The Mighty Few
Iikooshtaka’atbaatchaache, home of the Mighty Few. Historically, and still today, the Mighty Few (a District of the Apsáalooke or Crow Nation in Southeast Montana) have proven their name through resourcefulness, determination, and strength in unity. Witness the process of this community strengthening their connection to identity, the land, and community togetherness. Through truly grassroots efforts, the Mighty Few are guiding action that creates necessary healing, economic opportunities, and self-determination to thrive into the future.
We hope the film & podcasts can serve this community and support their work,
as well as spark insight for other communities.
Note: This film, and the accompanying podcasts, do have brief mentions of addiction and alcohol, and the podcasts have a brief reference to suicide. The mentions are included to address the realistic challenges, and offer relatable pathways to remain on a positive path.
These mentions are at these times in the film: 11:20 - 13:11, 36:05 - 36:45.
Scroll down to view the film, podcast episodes, film credits,
and view informational links.
View the one minute trailer here:
Life in the Land: The Mighty Few
View the full 49 minute film here:
How to use the content
Resources for Hosting a Screening
Please feel free to screen this film, or portion thereof, in your gathering, workshop, or classroom.
If you show the film publicly, please fill out THIS SHORT FORM.
Click on the arrows icon to watch in full screen. Click on the Vimeo icon to watch the film from Vimeo.com or to download the .mp4 of the film before your screening.
Reach out to receive a FREE simple Screening & Discussion Guide, Lesson Plan, or to learn about how we can support your gathering by co-Facilitating a post-film discussion.
Podcasts are also available on the "Stories for Action" series, available on
Apply, Spotify, iHeart, and other podcast platforms.
Podcast Part 1:
Part 1 includes historical & cultural context, specific community development projects, and the value in creating a foundation of community connection and well-being. It also features an interview with Jamie Kirby, Program Manager of the Urban & Community Forestry Program.
Podcast Part 2:
Part 2 discusses youth empowerment, Wyola Mighty Few Youth Group, connections to traditional lifeways, and approaches necessary to move the community development work forward. We highly encourage you to listen to Part 1 first.
Deep gratitude to everyone who shared with us for this film & podcasts:
Bill Backbone
Grace Crow
Brandon Goodluck
Lesley Jackson Kabotie
Mike & Joy Yellow Mule
Erianne Smith
Harold Male Bear Stone
Beverly White Clay
Clinton White Clay
Channis D. Whiteman
Janice Wilson & her Crow Studies Students
Bill & Maggie Yellowtail
The Wyola Community
Jamie Kirby, Montana Urban & Community Forestry Program
Links to entities related to this content:
Film Credits
Director & Cinematographer: Lara Tomov
Producers: Lesley Jackson Kabotie & Marina Weatherly
Narration: JoRee LaFrance
Associate Producer & Additional Camera: Robyn Iron
Production Assistant & Additional Camera: Rachal Male Bear Stone
Production Assistant & Location Scout: Sarah Stone
Sound Mixing: John D. Nilles & Shoot Montana
Narration Recording: Tyson Kreiter
Indian Relay Footage: Mike Clark
Consultation: Tim McClearly, Tim Bernardis, Lesley Kabotie, Bill Yellowtail,
Little Bighorn College Library, Crow Language Consortium
Mighty Few District Song: Janice Wilson's Crow Studies Students
Maps & Graphics: Katy Sprout & Lex Harold
This film is made possible in part by the Big Sky Film Grant.